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二次面接トピック100 (英文)
- Should more be done to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples?
- Are large corporations solely interested in generating profits?
- Agree or disagree: Social class is still relevant in modern society
- Is political correctness really necessary in today’s world?
- Is enough being done to stop the exploitation of workers in the developing world?
- Should there be any limits on the right to freedom of speech?
- Agree or disagree: Legalized gambling has positive effect on a country’s economy
- Should more be done to fight piracy on the open seas?
- Will there ever be a world without religious conflict?
- Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons?
- Should the government make scientific research a greater priority?
- Can the hunting of animals for sport be justified?
- Agree or disagree: Lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society
- Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?
- Can the arts promote peace between nations?
- Is a loss of privacy inevitable in modern societies?
- Agree or disagree: Modern agriculture puts too much pressure on the environment
- Are people today too reliant on prescription drugs?
- Is capitalism the only realistic economic system in a globalized world?
- Agree or disagree: Classical literature still has a place in the modern classroom
- Is globalization reducing cultural diversity?
- Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?
- Is modern society too dependent on computers?
- Should celebrities stay out of politics?
- Should all citizens be required to vote by law?
- Environmentalism and big business: Will there always be conflict?
- Does raising the consumption tax help or hinder economic growth?
- Agree or disagree: Not enough importance is given to the study of history
- Is Japan facing social-welfare crisis?
- Agree or disagree: Internet advertising is effective
- Is the world heading toward another global conflict?
- Is solar power the energy of the future?
- Can racial discrimination be totally eliminated from society?
- Does the media sensationalize the dangers of climate change?
- Agree or disagree: Social networking sites do more harm than good
- Can peace in the Middle East ever be achieved?
- Do women’s rights get enough attention?
- Has digital technology changed the art world for the better?
- Agree or disagree: Science make a bigger contribution to society than art
- Is warfare between nations an inevitable consequence of human nature?
- Would Japan benefit from a more open immigration policy?
- Is enough being done to protect the world wilderness areas?
- Are consumption taxes a good way to raise government revenue?
- I promoting a nation’s economic development more important than protecting its cultural heritage?
- Agree or disagree: The advantages of legalized gambling outweigh the disadvantages
- Which is a greater threat to society, crime or environmental pollution?
- Should Japan’s low birthrate be considered a national crisis?
- Does money have too much influence on politics?
- Agree or disagree: Homelessness is inevitable in a modern society
- Is government funding the only way for Olympic athletes to stay competitive?
- Would the world be a better place if everyone spoke he same language?
- Should schools put more focus on teaching IT skills?
- Agree or disagree: As societies become more modern, religion becomes less important
- Can Japanese agriculture survive in today’s globalized economy?
- Has the Internet made people’s working lives easier?
- Can military dictatorships ever be justified?
- Does society make full use of the talents of senior citizens?
- Is enough being done to protect the world’s oceans from exploitation?
- Is there such a thing as a justifiable war?
- Agree or disagree: The news media should be regulated by the government
- Is Japan a good role model for the economic development of other nations?
- Will nanotechnology have a major impact on our lives in the future?
- Will the continued loss of biodiversity lead to environmental catastrophe?
- Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?
- Should taxpayer money be used to support the arts?
- Can world peace ever be achieved?
- Agree or disagree: A university degree is necessary for success
- Agree or disagree: Technological advances have made the world a safer place
- Are performance-enhancing drugs an inevitable part of professional sports?
- Can the factory farming of animals be justified?
- Do the strengths of multicultural societies outweigh the weaknesses?
- Can an economic system based on capitalism ever be fair to all?
- Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places
- Can businesses be ethical and still profitable?
- Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?
- Are current global agricultural practices sustainable?
- Is information technology changing news media for the better?
- Should the news media be more accountable for what it reports?
- Should the Japanese government do more to promote human rights in other countries?
- Is the human race in danger of making itself extinct?
- Does a college education prepare people for work?
- Agree or disagree: Higher government is the best way to end a recession
- Will the increasing reliance on robots and computers pose a threat to society?
- Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries?
- Agree or disagree: Voting should be mandatory
- Is foreign aid the best way to promote economic growth in developing countries?
- Should all nations have the right to develop nuclear weapons?
- Is democracy the best form of government?
- Does fashion play an important role in shaping cultural identity?
- Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized?
- Agree or disagree: Zoos do more harm than good
- Will religion have a bigger influence on global politics in the future?
- Is the problem of terrorism likely to get worse?
- should hunting for sport be banned?
- Are the arts given enough importance in today’s society?
- Should poor nations be responsible for their own development?
- Agree or disagree: The government should provide most public services
- Are people in today’s world becoming more socially isolated?
- Can it be justified for one nation to interfere in the internal affairs of another?
- Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?